Light skin – There are varying degrees of light skin. For example, if you put two people with the light skin out in the sun, one may come back with a great tan while the other one comes back with only a very bad burn. However, no matter what type of light skin you have, you are the best candidate for any form of laser hair removal. You will receive the best results of any other skin type and will also require fewer treatments.
Medium skin – Those of the medium skin type will see better results based on what color the hair to be treated is (this will be discussed further in the next section). However, even the best medium skinned candidates will still run a risk of their results being less favorable and needing more treatments than a light skinned candidate.
Dark skin – Any dark-skinned candidate will require more treatments than either of the other two skin types. Moreover, the darker the person is the less favorable their results will be. Darker skinned candidates also require a practitioner with greater skill and expertise to achieve maximum results.
Hair Color
The second factor that helps to determine the outcome of your laser hair removal procedure is the color of the hair to be treated. Let’s take a look at each hair color type and the result it is most likely to produce.
Dark hair – Dark hair, such as black or dark brown, is going to be the easiest to treat because it contains the most pigmentation which allows the laser light to be absorbed to a greater extent. Also, dark hair tends to be more coarse which will produce a better result.
Medium hair – This is most often light or medium brown hair. This hair type is going to be easier to treat than lighter hair colors but may require more procedures than candidates with very dark brown or black hair. Also, not all medium hair is also coarse, some can be very fine and thin, so it goes without saying that those with coarse medium hair will produce better and quicker results than those with fine-medium hair.
Light hair – There are many varying degrees of light hair, more than any other hair type. Overall, light hair is the most difficult to treat and will require more time, money, and procedures than candidates with other hair color types. The easiest to treat would be dark or medium blonde hair, with light blonde and red hair both being the hardest to treat. This is because they contain phemelianin pigment which makes them less able to absorb the laser light.
White or gray hair – It may be almost impossible to treat those with gray or white hair. It contains no pigmentation and therefore can not absorb the laser light enough to heat the hair follicle.
Hair Cycle
The third factor that affects the outcome of you laser hair removal procedure is hair growth. Your hair grows in cycles and not all of your hair is on the same cycle. Laser treatments are made to attack hair that is in the active growth, or anagen, stage of its cycle. Therefore you will almost always need more than one treatment.